Product Details
  • Product Name:Grid tensiometer

  • Product number:STG-80NA
  • Product manufacturer:其它品牌
  • Product documentation:
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a brief introdction:
STG-80NA tensiometer/Japanese tensiometer pointer type. The STG-80D digital display tensimeter is used to determine the target value of the tension according to the plate making, and the company adopts a method that is easier to maintain the accuracy according to the weighted down type than the current clockwork type (formerly the Newton meter).
Details description:
As the target value of the plate tension measurement, the company adopts a method based on [weighted down] that is easier to maintain accuracy than the current [strip type (formerly Newton meter)].
Recently in ISO data management, tension measurements in Newtonian units are also available
In order to meet special requirements, a pointer has a [millimeter scale] on the outside ruler of the mark, and a [Newton scale] on the inside, which can read their respective values at the same time.
Appreciate the convenience of being able to grasp the Newtonian units of management while maintaining the accuracy of millimeter reading.
STG-80NA Tensiometer STG-80NA tensiometer
STG-80NA tensiometer Japanese tensiometer
Product specification: STG-80NA/80D
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